Why Toro Blanco Active Holidays is the leading company for Guided cycling and walking in Andalucia
There is no definitive answer as to which travel company is better, as different travellers have different preferences, expectations, and experiences.
However, based on feedback from our customers with experience of multiple companies and from leaders within the industry, here are a selection of the reasons why people looking for an exclusive, authentic experience choose Toro Blanco Active Holidays. Toro Blanco Active Holidays is a smaller and more specialised company that focuses on arranging bespoke cycling and walking tours in Andalusia, Spain.
Many of our competitors are much larger and more diverse companies that offer a wide range of tours all over the world. Our customers prefer a more personalised and tailored service from local experts to enhance their experience. In order to achieve this, Toro Blanco Active Holidays has a high ratio of guides to travellers, with four guides for every tour. Our competitors usually provide either one or two guides for each tour, often for a much larger group size. Our travellers appreciate having personal support, guidance, and attention from our staff, especially in challenging or unfamiliar environments.
At Toro Blanco Active Holidays all our unique and exclusive activities and visits to attractions are included in our tours, such as walking the Caminito del Rey and visiting the Alhambra Palace in Granada. Often travellers value having a bespoke richness in their itineraries, rather than following the herd (following in the footsteps of the crowds) to the same attractions. We at Toro Blanco Active Holidays have received many positive reviews from our customers, praising our professionalism, local knowledge, hospitality, and quality of experience.

Our size allows us to focus on the customers’ expectations and avoid any issues with booking, communication, organisation, and customer service which can often otherwise arise. We hear consistently that our customers have such faith in our services because of the outstanding feedback we receive.
For the quality cycling and walking holiday you deserve with everything taken care of from the moment of booking, choose TB Active Holidays and we will go out of our way to make sure your every need is attended to.